4 Apartments found in
Belgrano sorted by monthly rate
Apartments in Belgrano - Nuņez Gardens |
Code:Nuņez Gardens |
Type: 2 bedroom
Surface:100 m2
Minimum Stay:4 Nights
Maximum Stay:180 Nights
Daily Price: u$s 270
Weekly: u$s 1500
Monthly: u$s 4000
by its funky vibe and bright touches of color that seep personality
into every room, Nuņez Gardens...
Apartments in Belgrano - Echeverria & Migueletes |
Code:Echeverria & Migueletes |
Type: 2 bedroom
Surface:106 m2
Minimum Stay:30 Nights
Maximum Stay:180 Nights
Daily Price: u$s 200
Weekly: u$s 1000
Monthly: u$s 3000
Apartments in Belgrano - Belgrano Home |
Code:Belgrano Home |
Type: 2 bedroom
Surface:75 m2
Minimum Stay:4 Nights
Maximum Stay:180 Nights
Daily Price: u$s 150
Weekly: u$s 875
Monthly: u$s 2500
Located in one of the largest neighbourhoods in Buenos Aires, this
quaint yet modern 2-bedroom apartment has an open floor plan, colourful
Apartments in Belgrano - La Palpa y Cabildo |
Code:La Palpa y Cabildo |
Type: 2 bedroom
Surface:74 m2
Minimum Stay:6 Nights
Maximum Stay:180 Nights
Daily Price: u$s 115
Weekly: u$s 625
Monthly: u$s 1875
This comfortable 5
rooms apartment in a 1920 building has kept its original structure. It is
located in the neighborhood of Colegiales,...
Records 1 to 4 of 4
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